Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Genevieve was born in rural Montana on a ranch near Augusta in the early Summer of 1996. The daughter of a champion tracker, she lived up to her father's reputation by utilizing her acute sense of smell during her entire life. We chose her over her sister, a lemon bassett. We often wondered how it would have been if we had brought them both home.
Smart dog, but sutbborn and obstinate at times when her nose would take control. "Geneveevee" or "Jenny-wenie" were some of her nicknames, but almost always it would be "Jenny". Good dog, loyal and loving, who should have been a lap dog, all 65 pounds of her at her peak. She learned quickly early in life from our golden retriever Teddy Bear, having to undergo 2 surgeries for swallowing rocks, which she did not chew like Teddy did.
Well traveled dog, living in three states during her short life. Florida was too hot for this Rocky Mountain pup, we could tell. Out trips to Montana during the last 2 years stressed her, as she would never lay down in the car. But after catching up on her sleep for several hours she would be ready to enjoy the mountain air and chase the deer that would dare come near the house. The last time we were in Montana 2 weeks ago, her energy was gone and she did not even see the deer approach within a few feet of her.
We will miss you Jenny, your funny howl and your big ears. We will look for you at night when it's time for your big biscuit. We will miss your gentle greeting when we come home. You enriched our lives, individually and as a family. Your memory will always be with us. JIR

1 comment:

  1. She was such a wonderful creature. I miss my baby. I know you guys will miss her tremendously - she's up there chasing squirrels and rabbits and having the time of her life.
