Saturday, October 06, 2007


We arrived at our mountain hideaway as the stormy cold front greeted us with the chill that makes for frosty mornings and wilted plants. Canadian gueese flying south, a sure sign of natural transition.The rain turns to a blanket of snow above 4,000 feet. Jackets and sweaters come out of dark closets after their summer slumber.
Lively roses now adorn our kitchen, the plants being covered with insulating mulch, protecting them from those deadly frigid days and nights still to come.
The furnace churns as the arctic air penetrates every crack, and defeats the most eficient insulation. The hot tub is filled and conforting, the AC is off.
Fall in Montana, a short season to be enjoyed and appreciated. Winter will soon follow, amazing us with its own uniqueness and awe-inspiring moments.

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