Friday, October 19, 2007

The little things

Today is cleaning day, but the little things that Jenny used to do, like hide from the vacuum cleaner, are making it a tougher day then I would like. So I am working at many things, just trying to keep busy. In the process, I came across a piece of paper I jotted notes on, during our last trip to Ireland. I thought I'd share.

Early on we saw a roadsign that read "Traffic Calming". Jorge's translation to this was, "It means, slow your ass down."

Another common road side was: "Back of Beyond" (Dead end)

I don't remember where we saw this, but it is an Irish expression: "There is no use in keening when the funeral has moved off. (Ni hoan maith a bheith ag caonineadh nuaira imionn an tsochraid.)" It means, don't be late.

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