Sunday, July 01, 2007

Quilt Design Camp

I just returned from a week in Chicago, (the suburb of Oak Park), where I attended 'Quilt Design Camp.' I didn't have any idea on what or how we would be learning, so I was able to keep my mind open to the 'process' that Weeks Ringle and her husband Bill Kerr( would be guiding us to explore. Amazing, is the one word that comes to mind when I try and sum up what I learned. They covered many topics including, but not limited to: color, movement, dimension, shapes, balance, the willingness to explore and visualize all that is around you, and how to take your ideas and even 'feelings' and put it in a quilt using these other topics. The sky is the limit on where you can get ideas from, and for Tammy's sake, stars were optional. Sorry, I had to add an inside joke.

For me, my desire was to get away from the 'quilt police' and create, without worry, what I want, not only what other designers or quilters teach. I learned the quilt police were only in my mind and anyone who had their own ideas, it was just that, someone elses ideas, not mine. Mission accomplished.

The only pictures I have are of some of our 'explorations' in small projects, so I will not post them because you would have to know the class to get the project.

Bill and Weeks, two wonderful people who are all about making the earth a little better, and sharing their gifts with others. They also like to show people what is so great about Chicago and for us, they treated all of the class and a few extra guests to dinner the last night at this amazing Asian restaurant. Sorry, I forgot the name, but it was downtown in an area that has been renovated, and has a sister restaurant in China Town. I thank their six year old for recommending the 'triple berry' fruit icey with tapioca balls, I have never had so much fun with a fruit drink. Definitely a bonus.

I came home all enthused, and although I have my 'big design' I will work on that began at Quilt Camp, I came up with a new quilt I will be making for a wedding present. So I better go quilting....

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