Monday, June 04, 2007

South Dakota

We took a trip to Deadwood, SD, where Christina, Steve, and Steve's brother Keith were running in a 1/2 marathon. Of course we had to make a trek to Mount Rushmore, a sight we have never visited, but it was sure worth the trip.

The first picture is of the big guys in a shot we took standing just below them, Jorge at the entrance, with the big guys watching overhead. Jorge and I posed in front of one of the many beautiful views, and a bust of how the carving was originally meant to look. As imposing as it is, I am very impressed they finished the monument in 14 years. If you read the info on the four presidents, you discover Lincoln and and Washington did not attend college, but Jefferson went to The College of William and Mary, of which Jorge just happened to be wearing a tee shirt showing off Christina's Alma Mater. Roosevelt went to that other school, I cannot remember the name :) .

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