Sunday, June 17, 2007

Saturday, in the Park

Wow, did we see the ultimate in running yesterday! Jorge and I thought we'd go cheer Christina and Steve in from their looooonnnnggg "Big Horn Trail Run", . We were so optimistic, Christina, who was running a 30k (that is 17.4 miles), left at 10 am, and Steve was running the 50k, (over 34 miles), left at 8 am, and we were at the finish line waiting at 11:30 am!!! LOL, did we learn. We didn't bring chairs, water, or food (well, they sold lunch but at $10 a person, we went hungry). They came in right after each other somewhere after 2 pm, but we didn't mind being hungry, we figured they felt worse then we did.

How proud we were to see them finish and know how hard of a run it was. This is not just a 'run', it is through the mountains, and considered very difficult in some areas. There had rained recently, so every single person came through looking like they played in mud puddles.

Their runs were the shorter two runs, those who really want a challenge, ran in the 50 and 100 mile races. You should have seen some of them drag across the finish line! I don't know what it takes to psyche someone up to even begin training to go that far, I do know it is something I never had or desired.

Pictures will be posted later. But i just wanted to share their great accomplishment and let you know they completed the race. Christina says her new goal is a marathon, how brave she is.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I would just like to point out that a 30K is actually 18.6 miles. After running for 4 hrs 10 min, I want to make sure I get the credit for that last mile. :)
