Tuesday, July 15, 2014


What is life but  a journey, a collage of good and bad experiences, some preserved in our memory banks, others forgotten. Hopefully, when we look back at those experiences and how we have lived our life, we will be satisfied and at peace with ourselves. Such introspection will continue to fuel our drive to live life to its fullest, always preserving the good values we have learned from our family, or developed ourselves through the example and/or mentorship of others.
This past weekend's experience is one of those not to be forgotten. Our grandson recognized us instantly, and soon gave us the names he will call us for the rest of our lives, Abu and Abi. We played, walked, laughed, and were plain old silly. Soulful fuel for lots more experiences ahead. JIR   

1 comment:

  1. I love the silly hats photo SO much!! :) All of the other ones are great too!!

    - linds
