Friday, July 19, 2013


Leaving Tuscany behind, as difficult as it was, brought us to other wonderful places. We traveled south in our party van on the way back to Rome with a 2-night stop in Assisi.

 The little town of Cortona, recommended by our tour guide in Rome, was beautiful and picturesque

 Perugia was another quick but worthwhile stop on our way to Assisi

 On the first evening in Assisi, we ate at this great restaurant and later walked its narrow ancient streets.

 Basilica di San Francesco, monumental but simple cathedral, a true testament to San Francesco di Assisi. Relatively little marble or gold is present, but instead, a large rustic wooden crucifix hanging from the ceiling above the altar is all that's needed to feel his presence. A sense of peace and spirituality is palpable in this beautiful town, perhaps our favorite during the trip. Of course, it helps that San Francesco has been our favorite saint before our visit.

 Many priests and nuns are visible throughout the town. This particular group of nuns, including one wearing a unique habit and boots, huddled in one of the narrow streets
 Chiesa di Sanat Maria sopra Minerva (Tempio di Minerva). Gold and marble are highly visible in this church

 Dinner high atop one of the tallest peaks of Monte Subasio. The 3 mile gravel/dirt road to get there seemed more like 10.
La Zuppa Inglese, the B&B we stayed at 5 miles outside of Assisi. The owners, Alessandro and Laura were wonderful hosts. Laura prepares  a fantastic homemade breakfast for her guests, including fruit tarts, cakes, egg/bacon dishes, and other delicious treats. JIR

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