Tuesday, July 02, 2013


SIENA, beautiful historical city. Eventually won a seemingly endless battle with Florence during the 13th century, two thirds of its population wiped out during the plague of 1348.

The Piazza del Campo has been its social and civic center since the middle of the 12th century. The Palazzo Pubblico (Public Palace) a beautifully preserved Gothic structure dominates the Piazza, and houses the fabulous Museo Civico
 These were shot on, and from the rooftop of the Palazzo

 Tower of the Palazzo as seen from the Palace courtyard

 Imposing facade of the Palazzo

The Palazzo as seen from the Piazza

 The Duomo, or cathedral, in Siena is an impressive structure with a white green and red polychrome marble facade. Construction began in 1215 and continued well into the 14th century. Remember, no electricity, power tools, cranes...
 The dome from inside the cathedral

 One of the 56 panels that decorate the inlaid marble floor of the Duomo

 The black and white stripe theme that is seen as part part of the exterior predominates throughout the interior

 The Libreria Piccolomini, a small hall inside the Duomo, was built to house the books of Silvio Piccolomini, better known as Pius II. The walls and ceiling are vividly decorated with frescoes painted between 1502-07

Siena, like most cities we visited, is a walled city, accessible through "portis" (doors). JIR

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