Sunday, April 08, 2012


Second trial at no-knead dough, this time french bread and pizza dough. The texture of the bread was great-crusty on the outside  soft and chewy inside. The pizza dough was not as good, perhaps because it was too cold as a result of me forgetting to take it out of the fridge before it was time to bake it. No-knead dough is wetter and runnier than regular dough so it was challenging to keep it from "spilling" over the sides of the bread mold.

Linda made cream cheese danish from Thibeault's Table: Cream Cheese Danish, which was yummy. We lowered the guilt factor without compromising flavor too much by using lite sour cream and lo-fat cream cheese

How 'bout them home made bagels in 3 flavors: plain, raisin and...

                               ...onion. Great recipe, also from Thibeault's Table Thibeault's Table Bagel Recipe

                                                                         Time to eat.


1 comment:

  1. Looks delish! Mmmm, I bet the house smelled divine. :) The no-knead bread takes a bit getting used to, especially when used to a "kneady" bread, but it's nice to be able to step away for longer periods of time to let it do its "thing." We've been utilizing "Kneadlessly Simple" by Nancy Baggette (ha, great last name for a bread maker) & have been mostly successful (90% successful, 10% hit & miss).
