Monday, November 14, 2011


It seems our tomato plants became abundantly productive as Fall set in. Unfortunately, in this part of the country that means frosty mornings, which tomatoes do not tolerate at all. Wish we would have been down south where we could have peddled fried green tomatoes to our neighbors.

The home-made bread factory went on full production as the weather cooled down. It is now comfortable to crank the oven up to 450 without having to turn the A/C on in order to stay cool.

A few of our maple leaves contrast the blue sky a few days before floating off the branches, blown by the cool breeze

Gidget, Chicky's dog, has been spending some serious quality time with the grandparents and cousin Jake. These 2 have really bonded as they have enjoyed running, horsing around, and cuddling next to each other. They also had dog grooming day together, which is where the bandannas (and babushka head covers) came from. JIR

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahhaha...words escape me... Gidget & Jake look too stinkin' cute - especially Jake, he really seems to be modeling the new look. :) Bread looks delish, yum yum!
