Saturday, November 19, 2011


We knew it was coming. But even the Weather Service couldn't tell how much of the white stuff we were going to get. Judging by the depth of the snow shoveled this morning from the concrete pad of our driveway it was 10-12 inches. Some are fearful of it, some down south don't even know what it feels like. We see as Nature working its wonders.

Gidget is a snow dog, no doubt about it. She kept anxiously staring out the sliding doors all day. And when we went out to play, she did not want to come back in. Her favorite pastime in the Winter: laying in the snow.  

On the other hand, Jake is a short hair dog and you would think he gets cold easily and does not like snow. But those long legs are perfect for doing fast zoomies through deep snow at high speed. This physical exertion seems to negate the chilling effects of today's 12 degree air temperature

1 comment:

  1. Love it! That is...the pics of the pups & papa, not the snow. :) It certainly is a beautiful time of year, but I always struggle with those super low temps. Give me snow, but give me above 20 degrees! :)
