Thursday, May 12, 2011


Natural beauty presents itself in curious and very different ways. The Badlands of South Dakota is one of those peculiar places that seem barren and desolate at first sight, quickly transforming itself into a gorgeous stamp of Mother Nature.

Last Sunday we took an easy 5 mile hike atop Sheep Mountain, a flat-top hill overlooking the National Park. Let's just say it was difficult not to include all the pictures I took. Every turn of the road/trail showed us another beautiful new canyon, carved by time and the receeding waters of the ocean that once covered the entire landscape. Permanent natural carvings and color changes of the rock formation mark the progressively decreasing depths of the sea

Sandy soil supports an interesting display of flora

Lunch always tastes better sorrounded by beauty (including the one sitting next to me)

Prevailing vegetation is the juniper evergreen

Very interesting rock formations down in the valley. JIR

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures you two! I love those rock formations. So, I haven't actually been to either place, but these pics remind me a bit of the Grand Canyon. You know, in the whole 'awesome canyon' sort of way. Glad you guys are out enjoying the beauty of the land around you. (And I agree - I used to think the desert (where my nana lives) was ...dare I say it..."ugly." But, I have come to appreciate its unique beauty in more recent years. Thanks for sharing!

    -- linds
