Friday, February 25, 2011

Did the world go by that fast?

I took this picture when I got home this afternoon.  It is a beautiful "Big Sky" picture, inspite of the -2 temperatures, this makes it all worth it.  Then tonight I sat down, you know, that hour, after dinner, after cleaning up the kitchen, and thinking, I have 'one hour' to sit and do nothing, just relax.  I began to think back, and remembered all those years I looked forward to having 'one hour' to sit and relax.  I began to wonder where was my time spent I didn't have 'one hour' to sit and relax, to see the scenery, to enjoy the God given gifts?  And I remembered, the reason I didn't have time, was I (we) had children, and those children took up all my time. From breakfast in the morning, to the 'last minute' details of getting everything together for the next day.  My 'hour' of relaxation was falling asleep renewing all the joy those children gave me, and the joys they would give me tomorrow.   And I knew, I had enjoyed those 'God given gifts', each and every day.  I miss them some days now, but know some day they will know 'those God given gifts.'   I thank my children for giving me those times, and I will always treasure all that God has given me. 


  1. Aww.. that's really sweet Linda! :) What a great perspective to have. Thank you for sharing your son with me and allowing me to become part of the Ramirez clan!

    Much love,

    -- linds

  2. Linds, we are thrilled you are part of our family, both you and Steve are both more 'gifts' to us, we feel very blessed with the choices our children made.
