Friday, December 30, 2011

CHRISTMAS 2011/New Year 2012

Yes indeed, we celebrated Christmas in our beautiful abode in Montana. Waiting for me to arrive, Linda decorated our tree with ornaments that tell many stories and bring back memories of our wonderful life together. We've had time to think about all we have accomplished, the 2 outstanding children we raised, and the other exceptional 2 who became part of our family by marriage. We have a lot to be thankful for. The Holiday season gives us the energy and vision to continue to try to live our lives the way Christ showed us, with kindness, love and compassion. We are thankful for our friends and family. Even though we have drifted away from the habit, or sometimes chore, of sending Christmas cards, we love and appreciate you. We look forward to a happy and healthy 2012, including all its challenges and opportunities. JIR and LAR

Sunday, November 27, 2011


We were so busy relaxing and enjoying good food and drink that we have more dog than people pictures, but they are so cute anyway...

...and so obedient...

...and so intellectual-looking

The Master Chef checks the bird

Love those fiery Montana winter sunrises. JIR

Saturday, November 19, 2011


We knew it was coming. But even the Weather Service couldn't tell how much of the white stuff we were going to get. Judging by the depth of the snow shoveled this morning from the concrete pad of our driveway it was 10-12 inches. Some are fearful of it, some down south don't even know what it feels like. We see as Nature working its wonders.

Gidget is a snow dog, no doubt about it. She kept anxiously staring out the sliding doors all day. And when we went out to play, she did not want to come back in. Her favorite pastime in the Winter: laying in the snow.  

On the other hand, Jake is a short hair dog and you would think he gets cold easily and does not like snow. But those long legs are perfect for doing fast zoomies through deep snow at high speed. This physical exertion seems to negate the chilling effects of today's 12 degree air temperature

Monday, November 14, 2011


It seems our tomato plants became abundantly productive as Fall set in. Unfortunately, in this part of the country that means frosty mornings, which tomatoes do not tolerate at all. Wish we would have been down south where we could have peddled fried green tomatoes to our neighbors.

The home-made bread factory went on full production as the weather cooled down. It is now comfortable to crank the oven up to 450 without having to turn the A/C on in order to stay cool.

A few of our maple leaves contrast the blue sky a few days before floating off the branches, blown by the cool breeze

Gidget, Chicky's dog, has been spending some serious quality time with the grandparents and cousin Jake. These 2 have really bonded as they have enjoyed running, horsing around, and cuddling next to each other. They also had dog grooming day together, which is where the bandannas (and babushka head covers) came from. JIR

Saturday, October 08, 2011


Just give it a couple of days and we go from summer to fall, or perhaps early winter. High eighties and nineties in South Dakota earlier this week, high forties in Montana since we arrived Thursday afternoon. Yes, that is a nice dusting of snow on the Elkhorns now that the clouds have drifted away and we can see the mountains. A welcomed change, I must say. Our very healthy mum plant continues to show off its colors in the fall, just like it has for several years. JIR

Thursday, October 06, 2011


90 degrees the first week of October? Call it what you want, but the planet is definitely warming. Maybe one good thing about it is that our wildflower garden  in South Dakota does not have a clue it is Fall.

                                                   The bees do not have a clue either

                            A light breeze "unfocused" this frame, but the colors are unique and worth this post

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Good Music

Stormy Monday, one of the best live recordings out there, on one of the best live albums ever, At Fillmore East, by The Allman Brothers Band was one of the songs I enjoyed while walking Jake this morning.  Somedays just begin right.

Monday, September 26, 2011


We traveled to Burlington, Vermont to participate in and provide support in the marriage of Chris, Linda's nephew, and Nancy. We will post their picture on a later post, but for now, here are some others for you to enjoy. Burlington is a nice little city of 40K on the southeast shore of Lake Champlain, flanked on the eastern side by the Green Mountains. Above is a picture taken in the spiritual service room of the Interfaith Spiritual Center where the wedding took place. It was a beautiful setting with Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains (New York) in the background. 

                                              Mom and her very favorite grand niece, Emma

 On Sunday, we did some sightseeing, heading north through some of the northern islands on the lake and then heading east and south through the famous ski hill town of Stowe.

We rounded out our tour with a sweet and delicious visit to the Ben and Jerry's ice cream factory about 30 miles from Burlington, where it all started in 1978. JIR

Sunday, September 11, 2011


It was a great summer. Linda spent most of it in Montana, and I was able to be there often, sometimes traveling from/to Helena for business travel. The best part was family time. We rendezvoused with our children, which of course includes our adopted ones through marriage. Good food, wine and beer, superb weather, lots of laughs and stories, and that invaluable feeling of togetherness and being one of the same. JIR

Saturday, August 13, 2011


We have been on some beautiful hikes in celebration of my birthday; this one was no less gorgeous. Located around old mining activities, access to Trail 109 was only recently opened, and is now being recognized as an exceptional hike. The trail follows Crow Creek, only diverting from it when the trail gains elevation and levels off in a colorful meadow where we sighted a fox. All this beautiful enjoyment climaxes after descending back down to the creek at the site of the falls. JIR  


                                                Jake thoroughly enjoyed the cold creek water

                                              Charlock (yellow) is a butterfly and bee favorite

                                                        Blanketflower (Brown-eye-Susan)

                                                Bridge crosses the creek early during the hike



                                                                          White Geranium

                                                                      Wild Rose

                                                                       Wild Raspberry

                                                                          Blue Flax
