Sunday, June 27, 2010


Our vegie garden is small (6 x 10) but we are hoping to harvest tomatoes, onions, zuchini, corn and butternut squash. We have already enjoyed basil, parsley and thyme.
Zuchini flower, not bad looking
By late afternoon we had built our deer, rabbit and other critters protective fence
                          Sunday morning about 8 we started our hike up and down Botany Canyon and Little Elk Creek, a beautiful easy hike
Jake loves the hike. He moves constantly for the 2 1/2 hours it takes us and often goes in the creek, drinking and refreshing himself in the cold clear water

OK, we did not bring the tripod, so this is next best
We brought souvenir pretty rocks back home. Mom shows how strong she must be to bring the rocks down with us
BONUS PICTURE: the orchid appendage is growing!

1 comment:

  1. Veggie garden is looking GREAT! Good idea with the critter fence - we have two strawberry plants in an old wine barrel (cut in half) & had two lovely, ripe strawberries snagged by the birds that have grown accustomed to our yard (helps we have three feeders & two suet). This weekend I had to put up netting around the strawberries because I'll be damned if another bird takes our fine fruit! Great pictures. :)
