Saturday, June 12, 2010


So, life has been hectic and I have not had a chance to blog. But here it is, our Memorial Day weekend visit to Montana. As soon as I put bird seed out, our friendly chickadees, finches and nuthatches came over and reassured us they are still around. This particular chickadee kept coming over to the door and looking in as if he wanted to befriend Jake. I'm sure he was looking at his reflection on the glass hoping it may be a nice looking mate, but it was fun to see him (or her) insist on being social. As far as the other shots, you may have seen similar ones before, but we never cease to find new inspiration every time we experience them. JIR 

1 comment:

  1. These are great pics, and inspiring for those of us who are still in a rain-drenched environment! Love the new blog layout too!

    -- linds
