Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hiking, hiking and more hiking.

This cute little fawn was one of our sightings on my last hike with the Chix. Due to mother nature, we have had so much rain, many, many trails are beyond muddy and becoming little rivers. So we chose to stay in the nearby hills and right on the edge of Rapid City. Luckily Rapid City sits in the Black Hills, so hike is just as pretty.
On Saturday, Dad and I decided to go to the little town of "Galena", more like a ghost town, but there are about 25 brave inhabitants. They get together every year, and open the old school house and get local landowners to open up their property so all the visitors can hike and walk around and see all the old mines, old buildings and cemetary. They put signs up all over the town with pictures of what buildings were there, and as much of the history as they can. It was a nice day for a hike, and here are a few of the sights. The best one being this cute guy in the blue jacket who followed me everywhere, and was a good sport even though he has a nasty cold.

This is an old steeple, way up in the woods, they called it the "Methodist Church", but it really wasn't a church, just a social hall.

Aunt Sally was the first non Native American to be buried in the Black Hills, but she was a black woman.

This was a marker they erected at the cemetary, and I got a kick out of it because it is my sisters name. I'll make sure I e-mail it to her.

Some of the gorgeous scenery. :)

I dared him to use it, but he wouldn't.

An outhouse built for two!

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