Sunday, February 22, 2009


The garage slab was poured the morning these pictures were taken. The concrete worker was quite upset that it had set so quickly that he did not give him enough time to finish it properly. While I was there he left to get "another guy" and the proper tools to finish it. The "heater" used to provide some additional warmth to the concrete while it sets is the red machine on wheels in the background.

Blankets cover the basement slab to keep it warm and cozy while it sets

Retaining (thick) walls in place, the one in the foreground near the front door entrance, the one in the background near the basement door.

Looking into the future guest room in the basement through the future basement door

View into the basement through the future basement door, with retaining wall on the left
The weather went from heavy snow and 25 degrees the morning of the day before these pictures were taken, to 35 degrees and sunny skies 24 hours later. JIR

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