Sunday, February 08, 2009


Brick imprint detail on the outside of the foundation is a unique feature that looks better than raw concrete in spots where the foundation will be exposed

The future sewing studio and excercise room al naturale

The lower opening in the foundation is for what we call the $7,000 patio door that will allow outside access to/from the basement.

Deep spot on the foundation on the back and west corner of the house

Unexcavated garage portion of the foundation (northwest corner)

Mama Linda poses after inspecting the work. Notice the activity in the background: the builder, his parents and some of his 8 children cut up and clear 3 trees (we kept it to 3 only) that we had to remove from the back (south) of the house.


  1. did you take any cylinders to check 28 day compressive strength of your foundation concrete? just playin

  2. Oh yes, I'm sure we did? :) I completely understand what that is too!
