Monday, September 29, 2008

Wedding in California

Here are some pictures from California. The top picture is of my nephew David, and his wife Rebecca, at the wedding reheasal. The next picture is of my sister Pat (the grooms mom), her husband Rob, and to the far left is the grooms dad, Sheldon and next to him is his wife Ronnie. I had not seen Sheldon in 35 years, so it was a reunion of sorts for all of us.

Then are pictures the day of the wedding, Jorge and I before the service. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor wedding. Pat and I, Me and Rebecca (David's daughter from his previous marriage), Pat and Rob dancing, and the bride and her dad.
The following are pictures of Jorge, myself, Pat and Rob on our visit to San Francisco and Napa wine region. All the pictures with a bridge in it are of us and the Golden Gate Bridge. There is one with Alcatraz way off in the distance out by the water and one of Jorge and I standing at one of the wineries.
It was a great time, and a city I would love to see again.

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