Sunday, September 02, 2007

"A Day At The Bray Quilt"

Here is the quilt I designed for Chris and Sara (Casey) Taleff. There wedding was yesterday, and it was a wonderful event, with quite the party! We all had a great time, and I will have Jorge post the pictures. The back of the quilt are the rectangles, something new I decided to do to make the back of the quilt match the front of the quilt, as the back is often visible when in use. The 'save the day' card unfortunately came out upside down, and I cannot get the blogger to 'turn' pictures, and don't have much of a photo program on this laptop, but you get the idea of what inspired the quilt. It was much more fun to make my own design, and will have a hard time making quilts from someone elses pattern from now on, but I vow to finish all my ufo's and then work exclusively on my own projects.

1 comment:

  1. News flash! I've made my own blog. Finally. :)
