Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Fort Knox? Guantanamo? Not really. It's the now-hopefully-deer proof fencing for our garden in Montana. We arrived with our kids last week for a 5 day stay to find that all the beautiful roses, lilies and other flowers we left behind in mid-July were gone. The colorful menagerie had been devoured by the ravenous deer, who starved by the perils of our dry weather, body-slammed and jumped our flimsy fence. So I got to work after the kids left and built a new sturdier one. No telling if this one will hold up against these jumping Houdinis.

The Ramirez tribe of Montana, Wyoming and now Oregon got together for a wonderful 2 days of rest, relaxation, good food and wine. Chris Taleff, Danny's best friend joined us for dinner one night. We missed his soon-to-be spouse Sara, who was on her way to Denver for a cousin's wedding.

You may have heard Montana is parched and burning up in several spots. The beautiful view we enjoy so much and often feature in this blog had an interesting haze that changed often depending on wind speed and direction. Living so close to it, we are often reminded by Nature of it's infinite power and energy. JIR

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