Sunday, August 05, 2007


We purposely left behind home projects and the news about the war and the flailing stock market to immerse ourselves into the Big Horn National Forest for a moderately strenuous (Linda says to sunbstitute the "moderately" for "highly") hike on the Wolf Creek Trail. This trail starts at the Eaton Ranch (, a working dude ranch 15 miles west of Sheridan, WY. The hike took us for 4.7 miles each way through thick forest along the beautiful Wolf Creek, over open meadows, and across Sibley and Bear Creek. The picture above is at our turning point on the banks of Bear Creek after having lunch.

The views are fabulous-notice the haze in the distance from the wildfires, most of them in Montana

Definetely a unique shot-the butterfly on the right posed for me as I pressed the shutter release button to photograph the one on the left. We were a month late for the peak of the wild flower season, but we still managed to enjoy and capture quite a few in our photos.

It took me 5 minutes working my way around this flower to capture the busy bumble bee in the right pose.

Patience is a must when photographing nature in the wild. Ever notice how long butterflies keep their wings spread out between long moments of having them folded?

Wolf Creek comes rumbling down the canyon towards the Eaton Ranch over several small waterfalls. Some of the falls have cool clear pools of water under them. Now that we know the territory, we will definitely go in for a refreshing dip on the way back.

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