Wednesday, March 28, 2007


(The prosciuto, mozarella, spinach salad did not fit in the poem)

White breasted nuthatch, upsdie down
feasting quick, flying out
Spring is here, if only for now
Limestone adorned with colorful moss
Wild flowers shine happy and bright
Spring may be here for now
The beautiful Crazies standing and tall,
are caressed by the warm wind,
melting their veil

The same old great view that never gets old
The lively woodpecker, skiddish and shy
A moth or a butterfly, what do I know?
The bull stares and wonders if Spring has arrived

A colorful blue bird
dances from fence to fence,
never straying too far from her nest
An ancient and twisted old trunk
is comfortably shaded by the young healthy pine
Our neighborhood scenes in Montana
It's early in Spring, I should know
Another wild snowstorm or two,
are likely to fall upon us,
a blessing from nature be assured

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