Friday, March 30, 2007

After three days, and three feet of snow, it finally looks like we might get a reprieve. The wind of this very unexpected storm, blew the snow horizontal, and shoveling became a chore as the snow was heavy and wet, typical of spring storms. I will go see if my car's roof has survived when I am brave enough to venture out. See that little bump in the snow in the first picture? That is a fire hydrant. You have to love spring time out west.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


...and 4 days after the Early Spring in Montana post, this wet snowstorm plowed through Montana and Wyoming.


(The prosciuto, mozarella, spinach salad did not fit in the poem)

White breasted nuthatch, upsdie down
feasting quick, flying out
Spring is here, if only for now
Limestone adorned with colorful moss
Wild flowers shine happy and bright
Spring may be here for now
The beautiful Crazies standing and tall,
are caressed by the warm wind,
melting their veil

The same old great view that never gets old
The lively woodpecker, skiddish and shy
A moth or a butterfly, what do I know?
The bull stares and wonders if Spring has arrived

A colorful blue bird
dances from fence to fence,
never straying too far from her nest
An ancient and twisted old trunk
is comfortably shaded by the young healthy pine
Our neighborhood scenes in Montana
It's early in Spring, I should know
Another wild snowstorm or two,
are likely to fall upon us,
a blessing from nature be assured

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I just wanted to say hello to everyone, and let them know I haven't fallen off the earth. I have been the mad quilting lady, not sure I should admit to that, but what the heck, and have been quilting my backside asleep. Yes, if you sit in a chair long enough, that is possible.

I just finished Christina's 'Tee Shirt Quilt" and it has consumed most of my time. I'll finish the hand sewing of the binding this week, and then I'll post a picture. I made the quilt up as I went a long, so it did take some time, and some tearing out. Although I am very good at the tearing out part, I tear out so much, I think it is the best part of my sewing. I have started a quilt for a friends wedding, and took a class in that, so a whole Saturday was spent learning how to make these stars, and the quilts lovely name: "Stack and Whack", no I did not name it, but it sounds absurd for a wedding gift. I then spent another Saturday sewing with about 25 other ladies, it was "National Sewing Day" in case you missed it. They had a lot of door prizes, and we ate lunch with the seniors at the Senior Center, singing along with them as they celebrated St. Patty's Day with Pizza, milk and Irish songs. It was a great day, and I won some nice little door prizes. In June I go to "Quilt Design Camp" and I'll learn how to design my own quilts, plus Jorge and I will have a few days in Chicago (where the camp is located) to sight see and have a fun mini vacation.

I have been substituting at Holy Name Catholic School for the past month, I had 7th graders for three weeks, and boy is that a scream and holler to teach them religion. It is the last thing they worry about, but they were super kids and we had a blast, I sure will miss them. On Monday I sub music, that will not be as much fun, since I know very little about music, the teacher says not to worry, they'll have assignments to do, lets hope I don't have to answer any questions.

We finally found a house in Sheridan, and are excited to move in. We hope early May, since we are having a little remodeling done and that cannot start until closing, April 27. We'll post pictures as soon as we can, and keep you informed on the remodeling work.

It is sunny and beautiful here in Montana, so we are having a very nice week end. One of the few I think we'll get to use the hot tub since the weather is getting so warm. It has been record breaking warm weather, but I guess that is why we need to learn to conserve. Speaking of, I loved Lindsays post, it looks like some super projects going on in parts of the world.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lazy Sunday in Wyoming

Glaring snow on cool dog Genevieve,
on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
The Big Horns stand tall
with patches of white adorning its cusps
On a lazy Sunday afternoon we walk in the mud
The short dog is filthy, her white belly is black,
she really don't mind
It's time for a new week tomorrow,
why hurry so much into it
Enjoy what is given to us every day,
as muddy as it all may be