Tuesday, March 01, 2016


Fifteen miles west of Lisbon is the town of Sintra, best known by the aristocracy over the centuries as the best place to escape Lisbon. Today, it is also known by tourist who take the easy 40 minute train ride from Lisbon to visit Sintra's two main historic attractions, the Moorish Castle and the Versailles of Portugal, the Penna Palace     

The very steep and strenuous climb, even for the physically fit, was the perfect morning workout for us.

Walking uphill through the forest, we were rewarded with beauty quiet, and peace, particularly since most tourist opt for the bus ride up the hill.

The abandoned, but well maintained thousand year old Moorish Castle was built by the Moors but taken by the Christians in 1147

 The town of Sintra and beyond as seen from the Moorish Castle

 The Penna Palace as seen from the Moorish Castle

The Penna Palace. In the 19th century Portugal's romantic and flamboyant Prince Ferdinand hired a German architect to build this fantasy castle.

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