Sunday, June 05, 2016


Sleeping Giant is about 25 miles north of Helena. It got its name for obvious reasons by looking at the first photo on this post. It has always been an intriguing mountain, and the opportunity to hike to its nose has been made possible by the Montana Wilderness Association (MWA). We are members of MWA and have taken advantage of many of their hikes. Linda decided to sit this one out because the hike description mentions it is not for those with fear of heights. It is a very coveted hike, so Linda signed me up as soon as it opened up for people to sign up. 8 miles round trip, 2,000 feet elevation gain and very strenuous. I turn 65 in less than 2 months, so this will be my birthday celebration hike this year.

 The hike goes through about 2 miles of private land before entering public land domain. The gracious landowners who have actually owned this land since the 1870's always grant permission to MWA to bring hikers through their land

 Bitteroot, the Montana State Flower

                                          Monk's Hood

 The nose is getting closer

 After reaching the base of the nose, it is a tiny rocky trail to reach the real climb to the nose

 Climbing to the nose almost required rock climbing skills for a few stretches, but the views were spectacular. These 2 views are looking northeast with the view of the Missouri River below, before Holter Lake

                                      At the summit (tip of the nose) of Sleeping Giant, 7,000 ft. elevation

 Views from the tip of the nose

 Wildflowers on the way back

Monday, April 25, 2016


We finished our journey by spending the last 3 nights in Madrid and taking a day trip to Toledo
 We revisited the Museo del Prado, a bit more leisurely than when we rushed through it in 2000.

 Centro de Arte Reina Sofia where Pablo Picasso's famous painting Guernica is housed. Below is a photo of a print in the gift shop as there are no photos allowed of the original.

 The unique facade of the very busy Atocha train station in Madrid

 The quaint but beautiful train station in Toledo

 Perched on top of a hill and surrounded on 3 sides by the Tajo River, Toledo is a beautiful historical city, and former capital city. Its 2,500 years of history includes Romans, Jews, Visigoths, Moors and Christians. In addition to its history, Toledo is also known for its Cathedral, its art and craft of cutlery, and its marzipan made by nuns who live in the many convents located in the city

Back in Madrid for one final hurrah, and a visit to the Presidential Palace

The Almudena Cathedral across the plaza from the Presidential Palace


El Escorial, 30 miles from Madrid, from where the very Catholic King Phillip II ruled his empire and directed the Inquisition 400 years ago 

 El Valle de los Caidos (The Valley of the Fallen), a massive underground monument carved from a hill, commemorates the roughly half a million Spaniards who died during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). It was built by Dictator Francisco Franco using prison workers who dug 220,000 tons of granite out of the hill beneath the gargantuan cross to form the underground basilica.