Wednesday, April 29, 2015


We just returned from a wonderful visit with the Oregon clan of the Ramirez/Lipetzky tribe. Ethan Gabriel Ramirez is now a month old, thriving and gaining weight. 

The frontal bald spot must be genetically linked. We found exactly the same hairline pattern in one of Danny's photos when he was around this age.

Of course, we enjoyed visiting, playing and horsing around with Xavier. At two and a half, he is a joy to interact with.

 Abuela shot a selfie of her and Xavi using the tripod

Xavi's priceless smile at the playground

 Abuela took advantage of our visit to the Zoo to put Ethan to sleep and hold him a bit more. JIR

1 comment:

  1. I love all of those photos - especially the last one of you all and the one of Xavi at the playground (he's so mischievous). Ethan's bald spot is hilarious - it's actually growing in pretty quick but we'll have quality photos to pull out when he brings over serious significant others in the future. :) Thanks so much for coming to visit! It was great to see you and we look forward to seeing you again soon!!!

    - lindsay
