Saturday, June 22, 2013


 Lounging at Detroit Metro airport before our flight to Rome. O'Hara's, Worrall's, and Ramirez's

 We have used the American Express Delta Sky Miles credit card as much as we can for many years. We have "purchased" many airplane tickets with our miles, including Business Class seats to Europe every 2-3 years. There is nothing like it!
 Italian Alps appear majestic on our initial approach into Rome

 First evening in Rome-jet lagged but pumped to start our adventure

 We purchase a one-day intense tour of Rome from Eternity Tours. The tour was exclusively for the 6 of us, pricey but worth every penny. Our tour guide, Gregory, is pictured below. He is an architect with a PhD in art history, so you can imagine the quality of our tour. He was exceptional and absolutely loves what he does. First stop was Ancient Rome.

 It felt surreal to walk through these ancient ruins that we have heard so much about and seen so many pictures of.

 The Colosseum. We admired the outside, but walking through the aisles and passageways inside rattled our souls. We could only imagine what took place in this most unique historical site.

 Entering the Vatican Museum, the dome of St Peter's Basilica in the background

 One of the ancient doors of St Peter's Basilica, only opened every 25 years, otherwise sealed in concrete from behind.

 St Peter's Square
 The balcony on the front facade of St Peter's where the Pope addresses the crowds when he speaks from the Basilica.

 Face to face with Michelangelo's La Pieta, priceless

 Swiss guards
 St Peter's Square with the Basilica in the background

 The famous Fontana Trevi. Yes, we threw in or 3 coins with our right hands over our left shoulders. The 3 wishes: to return to Rome, to find true love or have your true love continue, and a specific personal wish.
 The Pantheon

 We often saw Carabineri (Italian State Police) texting on their cell phones
Second of our first 2 nights in Rome. Off to Tuscany next! JIR


  1. Nice pictures Jorge, they brought me back good memories of 2009 when I visited Rome. It's a marvelous city and I hope you have walked it at night-time, that's how I discovered the Trevi Fountain and it's magic. Also walk to the famous Piazza Navona which has Bellini's Fontana di Quatro Fiumi. And sit down to drink an Italian capuchino in my name, please! Lol.

    1. Sorry, meant to say Bernini, Gian Lorenzo Bernini (Naples, 7 December 1598 – Rome, 28 November 1680).

  2. Agh!!!! So many great pictures in here. Can I just say that I loved (1) the sunlight streaming through St. Petersburg's Basilica and (2) your photos from the Colosseum. Did you guys go inside the Pantheon?!?! That's one of my favorite buildings in Rome. Mostly because I learned in an art history class how it was constructed so that the materials at the top of the ceiling weighed less than the materials at the bottom of the ceiling - even though everything looks the same! :) Also - I LOVE the fact that you both enjoyed a glass of wine in your business class seats while that guy behind you is totally passed out. La familia Ramirez sabe como divertirse!!! :)

    - linds
