Thursday, December 27, 2012


The main living area of our basement has now been transformed into Linda's sewing and quilting domain. After being "on the road" for 7 years we are starting to transition back to Montana. This is the first phase of such transition. "If Mama ain't happy, nobody's happy". I'm sure our children clearly remember such words.

Notice the new (better) lighting, courtesy of yours truly. I would advise all of you against "can" lights if you think there is even a miniscule chance you will want to switch to a different light source in the future. Working through a 7 inch hole, getting rid of the metal box that holds the "can", and setting up the new electrical boxes was not easy.

The Queen's throne. Notice the stash in the background, neatly organized in shelves, also courtesy of yours truly 

The Queen's other throne, which will be replaced by a couch throne, also for use by visitors using the guest rooms in the basement. JIR

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