Saturday, July 14, 2012


We continue our explorations looking for new and exciting hikes. Our canines have become expert day hikers, loving every minute of it, then collapsing with tired muscles and sore joints after getting back home (not much different than their human masters). We found this hike in an interesting book "Day Hikes with Dogs, Western Montana" by Wendy Pierce and Becky Warren. This unique hike is about 1.5 hours south of our home in the Boulder Mountains. It follows Moose Creek, a tributary of the Big Hole River, for the initial two miles, then leaves the creek and climbs moderately for the last 1.5 miles. We were rewarded by many wild different types flowers and unusual granite outcroppings at the top.

                                            Showy Daisy


                                              Lewis Western Flax
                                        Wild Rose bud

Several old trees, 200 + years old according to our hiking references punctuate the trail. Unfortunately this one must have succumbed to a storm

                                                    The Humbug Spires at last

We named this one Penis Rock because it resembles one pointed out to Linda by the Hiking Chicks in the Black Hills of South Dakota  

            Jake ignored the sign that reads "Caution, Bridge Unsafe for Horse Crossing"

The pups love the creek-drinking its cold water and cooling off, particularly Gidget who submerges her entire body as often as she can

1 comment:

  1. The 'penis' rock was pointed out to me by Tracey down by her and Rusty's home. Still, it was a super hike we had, hope to get the pups down there again while the weather is warm, they loved the water.
