Saturday, June 23, 2012


June 15-17 2012. Diana and Mike O'Hara planned this trip back in February. It did not require even a little bit of arm twisting for us to agree to join them. We traveled from our respective homes and met at St Mary's Lodge, one of the eastern entrances to the Park. After a lovely lunch it was time to hit the trail. Logan Pass was still closed after a foot of snow the week before undid some of the progress the crews had accomplished in clearing the road. But this is Glacier, where Nature is unequivocally in control. Not much we can say or do about it, other than park the car at the closure gate and take a walk up the road

                                                        Love birds everywhere!

                                                                     St Mary's Falls

                                                 She would be a natural in Cuba

                                       Cataract Creek and Falls empty into Grinnell Lake

                            Grinnell Lake, a picturesque bowl of rock and water, only accessible on foot

                                      Wow! How about that for a backdrop. More to come...JIR

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