Sunday, January 16, 2011


Our trip to Washington, DC last week was awesome. This post covers our very unique visit to the West Wing of the White House. Of course, keep in mind that photography is prohibited during this tour, but the tour's description and the pictures we took could prove to be fascinating enough. The tour began by going through 2 checkpoints. Of course, we had already been screened by security staff a couple of months prior to our visit when sent our full names, dates of birth, and ss #'s. These tours are given privately by White House staffers to family, friends or connections. We are fortunate enough to be friends with David and Line Kerr. David employed and mentored Zach Landau for about 1 1/2 years. Zach is now a White House staffer.
We began the tour with a stop at the Eisenhower Building which houses many staffers' offices. A beautiful edifice built in 1878 and very well-maintained. We entered the West Wing of the White House near the Situation Room, which is off-limits to visitors. We visited the Cabinet Room, Oval Office and Roosevelt Room. It was an amazing experience!

David, Line. Jorge and Linda right before the first checkpoint

Zach (far right) and the other 2 people touring, friends of Zach.

Many of the walls inside the Eisenhower Building were covered with pictures of President Obama

Glass ceiling Eisenhower Bldg.

Spiral staircase Eisenhower Bldg.

Exit of West Wing White House tour

Eisenhower Bldg. through a wintery tree in the foreground


  1. Awesome! It looks like you guys had such a great time! Those pics of the Eisenhower staircase and ceiling are amazing, by the way!! The former kind of reminds me of that famous Escher painting. :)

    Much love!

    -- linds

  2. Thank you Linds, it was a great tour. I was using my little point and shoot and had to quickly take the pictures because they kept walking and I wanted to stop and get shots of the gorgeous architecture.
