Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hike in Hill City

The Chix who were going hiking last week (only four of them), went for a hike out of town and would be back to late for me, so I went up to Hill City and walked 8 miles on the Michelson Trail. It is always a beautiful walk, once you leave Hill City. Unfortunately, the beginning of the hike shows you some of the junky elements of the area, warehouse type buildings, old cars, boats, etc. Here is one old boat sitting behind a place that just collects junk.

But then the walk gets pretty.

I wonder what Crazy Horse and Custer would think of their names on a sign together?


  1. Looks like a peaceful and gorgeous walk!! The adorable colt is a bonus ;)

    -- linds

  2. Linds, that colt was fun to watch, it was running and playing before it went to 'feed' from it's momma. A very gifted moment on my part.
