Friday, September 04, 2009

Hike up Boulder Hill with the Chix

There are a few things the Chix do well: hike, eat and we laugh a lot.

Some interesting boulders as we neared the top.

We had a great 6 - 7 mile hike on the Flume Trail on Thursday. First we hiked the 2 + miles to the top of Boulder Hill, then came down and went around one of the loops, another 4 miles. This picture taken part of the way up Boulder Hill is looking towards Mt. Rushmore, and you can see George Washington carved in the mountain on the left side of the hill in the distance. There is an old fire tower on Boulder Hill, here is some of what is left of it.

One of the views going around the scenic loop.

This is from the scenic loop, looking up towards Boulder Hill, if I had any idea I was going to end up on top of that, I probably would have stayed home! But I did it, and had a great time.

A view from Boulder Hill.

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