Saturday, June 28, 2008


"Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling Columbine..." So now we are in Montana and our flower garden here is being usurped by gargantuan Columbines, which unbeknown to us, spread like widlfire. I know, by now you are tired of looking at our flower posts, but this is better than the fat lady or skinny man at the circus; these are monstrous plants erupting in beauty and color. Could it be the Miracle Grow, or perhaps the adequate moisture we received this Spring? Maybe it's the fresh mountain air and the direct sunlight at five thousand feet. Whatever it is, we better trim these back in the Fall, or our lillies will be intimidated and not grow next year. In the meantime, we'll sing that lovely tune, adapted to the name of this flower, while we enjoy the sight in awe. JIR

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