Friday, May 23, 2008

Pictures in Helena

Jorge and I decided that going for a quick trip to Lowes and then to see Indiana Jones, was something I could handle three days post op. I am not on any meds for pain, so I figure it was time I got out and about. But whew, it did tire me, not much pain though.
Here Jorge is starting the grill for our marinated flank steak, and me, I just help with the little things right now. He has been a wonderful care taker, and I'm so happy to have him here with me.
For those who didn't know what I decided to do, I decided I was going to lose 15 - 20 lbs (lost 15 so far), and let my hair grow out, to it's natural color, and I haven't touched the color in over a year! So this is my color, and you can see all the grey ready to follow up and erase all my remnants of my natural blond. I'm glad I did, otherwise I would have not known what my natural color was before it all turns grey! I like it better, I figure at 52 I should be happy with who I am, and so far I love it.
I am just looking forward to feeling better after three years of all these problems, and not paying the hairdresser a fortune!

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