Saturday, February 23, 2008


I just wanted to start posting a few pictures of our trip to Vienna. It was as wonderful a trip as a trip to Vienna sounds, and some. The city has beautiful architechture, and it is extremely easy to get around with all the public transportation.

Everyone in Vienna speaks English, or enough to get by, but when we went out to the city of Leoben in the area of Stiermark (Styria), there were less people who spoke English, and pointing became our way of communication.

So here are a few pictures, and we'll slowly add more as we have time.

Pictures 1, 5,6,7,8 are at "The Dining Room", a restaurant that has four tables, and was recommended in a New York Times review that Danny sent us. It was our first night, so we were still a little tired, but had the best meal of our trip. Yes, the golden retriever walks around and visits you while you eat.
2 is in front of the Hapsburg Palace, where we went to see the Lipezzaner Stallions and the Vienna Boys Choir at mass. We also toured the apartments, saw the famous silver collection, and much much more in this very large and elaborate place that shows how the ruling class lived, and also why it is good they don't have them anymore!
3 is in front of the famous Demel bakery, a great place to go for coffee and a delicious pastry. They make the candy on sight, and you can watch through glass walls.
4 is a shot of the shopping area that runs in the heart of Vienna, it is not open to cars, and has stores that we probably couldn't even afford to walk in, but did anyway! As here, and all the pictures will show, the architecture in Vienna is stunning, and if you do nothing else in this fun city, it is worth going there just to walk around and see that.

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