Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Beast vs. The Monster, and the winner is...

ME! Here is the HQ16, and the big quilt on it. I made this quilt a few years back when I had first started quilting, and the border is not quite right. For those of you who don't quilt, it means there is extra fabric that puckers and screws up your quilting, so it has been a real challenge. Both in size and the fact it doesn't lay completely flat. The fun part is, as I quilt, I can see my improvement, and feel like I might actually get the hang of this. Since this is a quilt for Jorge and I, I am not too worried about the quilting. Plus I'll bring it to the laundry mat (even my huge front loader would not like to wash this thing), and wash it, it is amazing what sins can disappear with a little soap and water!
This has brought me to a whole new level of sewing, and it is more fun then I could have imagined. It will be fun to finish all my UFO's so I can get them to the Beast, and come out a winner everytime.


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Cool! O.K., the first thing I did was to check airfares so that I can visit you and try that machine, way to expensive. So, just let me know when you run out of quilts to do, I'll send you my ufo's. Enjoy, it looks like way too much fun.

  2. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Wow, Im impressed madre. . .are you sure you guys cant put wheels on that thing and drive it around? Looks like it has its own navigation system, what else do you need?
