Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What we do with our spare time. . .
Lindsay's "hot hair" by Peter and Danny.
Danny's "hot hair" by Neglect. Peter
and Lindsay saving money by repairing
the house instead of having fun. . .


  1. Danny and Peter, don't quit your day jobs, Lindsay, you are a good sport, but I like the "relaxed" you better. Peter, are you standing on a metal ladder while you fix wires? Hmmm, I think you kids need some supervision!

    Thanks for sharing, they are great. --Mama Linda

  2. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I think Danielsan and I are on the verge of being picked up by ABC to host the next season of Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Watch for the debut - Sunday nights at 8. Hehehe... and yes, that's definitely a metal ladder - BUT - because we couldn't find the breaker for the exterior lights, we'd just switched off power to the entire house. :-)
