Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What we do with our spare time. . .
Lindsay's "hot hair" by Peter and Danny.
Danny's "hot hair" by Neglect. Peter
and Lindsay saving money by repairing
the house instead of having fun. . .

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'm glad to read you are having a good time. We received the O'Hara Christmas letter, and it looks like Heather is pg again, and Hiliary is engaged! I will try and get Hil's e-mail address, and I'll pass it on incase anyone wants to send their congrats.

Hugs - Mama

Monday, January 09, 2006

Birthday Bash

Well the Birthday was pretty amazing. My one
stipulation was that I did not make any decisions
the whole night. So we (Lindsay, Steph, Nate, and Peter)
all went to a fabulous Cuban Dinner and topped
the night off with some bowlin'.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The top picture is our "government owned" house in Sheridan. The pictures on the water are of Jorge and Linda with Christina taking a tour in Virginia, it was a great trip. The next one there will be when she graduates, where has the time gone? Then as always, beautiful Montana, and lastly is Genevieve, she fell in love with the "beer can chicken."

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A Life According to Bud

Some New Years and home pictures to document whats been happening. All
of the pictures are self explanatory except for the wet pants pic. The first bottle
of champagne did not explode, thus, overconfidence bred this obvious mishap!