Wednesday, September 03, 2014


We have been enjoying "Glacier" since the first Summer we arrived in Montana in 1993. We never cease to be amazed by its natural beauty. We have never stopped feeling an overwhelming sense of peace and spirituality as we drive into the park through its gates. This time, we hiked a total of 17 miles in 24 hours, not too bad for a couple of "advanced middle-agers".

 On the shores of Lake McDonald

We arrived at the park around 3 pm Saturday and decided that, after sitting in the car for 3.5 hours, we need to move around a bit. So, we decided to do one of the first hikes we did at Glacier several years ago, the 6 miles round trip to Fish Lake

 Bridge over Snyder Creek on the way to Fish Lake

 Fish Lake, small but beautiful

Sunday morning on the way to Logan Pass going up Going-to-the-Sun Road. The clouds provided a mystical aura
 The weather in Glacier is unpredictable, so we always come prepared. When we arrived at Logan Pass, elevation 6,700 feet, it was windy and 39 degrees. Do you think that was going to deter us from our 6 mile round trip hike to Hidden Lake? NOT!

 Mountain Goats, a nanny and her kid, right off the trail
 Made it to Hidden Lake, greeted by a field of blosoming Bear Grass

 Yellow Columbine (above) and Blooming Sally (below)

 Bighorn Sheep just below the trail

 After a lunch break, we drove down to the Avalanche Lake trail head for a quick 5 mile round trip hike. Avalanche Creek was roaring and beautiful.
 Avalanche Lake

Next year we are planning to go into the back country and spend 2 nights at Sperry Chalet, a rustic lodging facility in one of the most beautiful settings in the park. The chalet has no electricity or running water, and it is a 6.5 mile hike from the trail head. Looking forward to it! JIR