Sunday, February 12, 2012


Winter doldrums maybe, laziness perhaps. Whatever it was, it's over, it's time to blog. What better way to start it off, than with a preview of the latest work of art by my extremely talented partner in life. Her latest quilt is a potpourri of shapes and colors, a visual experience of immeasurable pleasure. Priceless artistry masterfully expressed in cloth. It's not finished, but I could not resist to tease you with a post...

Our African violets have been blooming most of the winter, adding much needed color to the season's blah's  

 It was crisp winter day, cloudless blue sky, light southeast breeze. We bundled up once the temperature hit 20 and went out for our daily dog walk. It made it to 32 later in the afternoon, which is when I went back out with the pups for a few minutes of running and stretching before the sun set and temperatures dropped.
This is Gidgie's full attention stance just before the ball is thrown

Yep, that's the ball in her mouth. It is practically embedded in there most of the time. JIR