Saturday, November 28, 2009


Early morning colors contrast the silhouettes of pines, still darkened by dawn's obscurity. Nature awakens us abruptly, showing us its bright pastels for only a few moments. Darkness is promptly replaced by new light. The greeness of the pines suddenly appear, as their silhouettes vanish against the background of blue sky. The day has begun; if only dawn could last a little longer. JIR


Linda is too modest to admit the superb quality and beauty of the quilts she makes. Her latest is a bedspread, which we have draped over the bed in one of our guest bedrooms. I have also posted the pictures of one she made me a few years ago, which harmoniously adorns our great room in South Dakota. JIR

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving: its all about the dogs...

The puppies just love food. Here are the four beasts being fed turkey. For that they will obey.

Peter: this one's for you!

Here are some pictures of our house with pictures hung, and a few bedspreads out, plus a couple of pieces of furniture.

The two guest bedrooms. The green and black quilt I just finished making, I never thought I'd like a black bed skirt, but it works great with this quilt.

This is our new china closet, and the blue quilt on the wall is one I made several years ago for Jorge. The table cloth I made for the holidays, it is a black/beigh/brown stripe.

These mola's on the walls are some I bought years ago from a friend who got them in Panama.

Christina and Steve's engagement

Here are a few pictures from immediately after she said 'yes'. The beautiful yogo saphire is in it's temporary setting, and is now being reset in a ring they both chose.

Black Friday

Others can shop, I prefer to stay home, but with views like this, why would you leave?

Sunday, November 08, 2009


We have been fortunate and blessed to have lived in beautiful places. The Black Hills of South Dakota blend the golden desolate prairie with the hilly evergreen lansdscape. The moon was full last week, rising on this day shortly after 4 in the afternoon. The remaining sunlight robbed it of its splendor. By the time I got home, the moon had brightened and it was now peaking through the pine trees in our back yard. The next morning, its brilliance was diluted by the colors of dawn. JIR