Thursday, August 27, 2009

Update on Jake

I don't have any new pictures, but we are making progress! I took the big guy to 'obedience' school last night, so "I" could learn how to behave. I think I was the shortest human there, and he was the biggest dog. I must sure be smart because already today I was able to do all the things I needed so Jake didn't have to pull me along on his leash. He just gently walked next to me (after I practice a few of the moves I learned) and we had a very gentle two mile walk and kept the leash loose. I have NEVER had a dog that walked this easy on a leash, it is about time I learned this stuff!

When we returned home, we went down stairs in the nice cool basement so I could practice all the tricks I learned last night at school.

Jake is very good at cooperating with me, and I must have picked up something last night. He sat and waited while I did my 'stay' and went all over the place, and he only moved when I learned to say 'come' and follow up with a 'good boy' and a treat. I now know how to make him 'leave it', and 'get it' as well as a few more things.
I'm sort of a slow learner, so Jaker promised we could practice all my moves everyday. He likes the treats and the 'clicker' so he doesn't mind.

Last night he slept in his bed and I shut my door, and he did fine, except he got up and slept by the door when I got up during the night. I have been working with leaving him alone in the house while I go outside for short periods of time, since when we first got here, he wouldn't even close his eyes so he could follow me every where in the house. Today he fell asleep by my feet when I checked my e-mail, and when I got up to go shower, he lifted his head, looked at me as if to say, "don't think I'm going after you, I'm staying right here where I am cumfy." And there he stayed until I got him for our walk.

Hopefully I we can get this separation anxiety over with quickly so he won't tear things up. So far he hasn't chewed anything but his toys.

One bad habit he is trying to learn: Every time I get on the phone, he picks up a chew toy and starts to squeak it!!! So now, I pick up his toys, and he cannot get them until much later. He seems okay with that.

I'll keep you posted, but I think with practice, I am going to get all these classes down pat!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A great week with the "Fam Damily"

Dogs, dogs, dogs everywhere. Gidget and Brewer got to meet the latest member of the family, Jake, and break him in. Guiness, who arrived later in the week had his share of fun meeting Jake. Overall, they were exceptionally well behaved, especially once the 'fence' issue was resolved.
Steve, Chicky and I got to visit with Steve's great aunt and uncle. They were very enjoyable and his aunt sure has a fun spark in her!

The 'gang', before Steve and Guiness arrived, up on Mt. Helena.

Some pictures need no explanation, or they don't really have one.

We had a wonderful time at Chris and Sara's house.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


One of the perks of living in the Black Hills is being able to experience this socio-cultural phenomenon. This was the 69th annual rally and we were in the midst of it. The constant roar of the motorcycles could be heard for miles as riders cruised through all the roads in the hills. The town of Sturgis completely transforms to accommodate the 500,000 people that typically descend on this town of 6,000 during these 2 weeks in August. Next year will be the 70th, which means attendance numbers may break all records.