Sunday, August 31, 2008


We had a fabulous visit with Danny and Lindsay in Eugene, Oregon. Lots of good family time and good food. The pictures were taken at the King Estate Winery where we tasted some awesome wines and ate an excellent dinner.

Tomorrow we drive back to Wyoming and, as usual, we are feeling sad that our stay in Montana was not long enough. The first cold front of the Fall (yes it's Fall In Montana ) rollled in today. Temperatures fell during the day and it's currently 44 and rainy. In the frames above I captured late blooming wild flowers, one of our gorgeous fragrant roses, and an enormous sunflower. Interestingly, this sunflower plant grew in our garden, probably as a result of one of the many birds that visit us for food dropping a sunflower seed in the "right" spot where it thrived on fertilizer and plenty of water. JIR

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Raffle Quilt

This is the quilt I made for Christina to raffle off for her "Team in Training." The front, is called "Spice Market" a design of Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr, and the back (the blue side), is a Ricky Tim's "convergence" design.
I somehow managed to finish the quilt in one week, both sewing and quilting, but it paid off as I think she was fairly successful in selling raffle tickets.

Both are designs that are fairly easy and fun so I will probably use them both again.