Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Every trip to Montana always seem to add a special experience or dimension to our lives. Last year there was the herd of elk seemingly charging towards us alongside the road as we drove west on I-90 doing 80. Then there are those numerous bird sightings: hawks, bald and golden eagles, ospreys, ducks and geese. Some sights are not so pretty, like the cars and trucks that leave their tracks on the snowy shoulders and medians, laying motionless after skidding off an icy road.
Snowstorms are often followed by clear skies, and the frigid temperatures that invariably penetrate such uninsulated atmosphere. This was the case during our trip to Montana this weekend. By the looks of our atire, it is not hard to guess how cold it was. No boating is comfortable in this weather, but a pair of lifejackets are highly visible markers of our driveway for the snowplow driver. As the sun set and the blustery wind faded, the hot tub felt soothing and invigorating; another unique experience was filed in the records of our lives. JIR

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Moisture in Montana is a welcomed ocurrence these days, even if one has to shovel it off the deck, driveways and walkways. Arriving yesterday afternoon, we were soon greeted by winter's return: lots of snow and plummeting temperatures and wind chills. A moisturized Pacific storm working mano-a-mano with an Artic blast from neighborly Canada. This morning we had a foot of white powder, with 2-3 feet drifts on our deck. At this time we are "stuck" up here (such hardship!) until the plow clears the neighborhood and our driveway. The familiar sound of our snow shovels "pavloved" our herd into looking for cob. I told them they'll have to wait until we can go into town, but they just don't understand why a snowstorm would have us stranded up here . More pictures later, after we warm up a bit inside our cozy abode. JIR

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Dad's Christmas Quilts

The top picture is the quilt I made for Dad for his office, and the bottom three are of his 'Gator' quilt so he can keep warm and think of his favorite team!

Some family from back east.

The top picture is of my neice Linda and her daughter Emma. The bottom is of Emma and her cousins (my nephew Ricky's two girls), Valerie and Alexa. I had the pleasure of seeing these cute little girls last April, and it is sure fun to watch children in action!