Saturday, March 18, 2006

Ski Weekend

Recent ski weekend. . .after two feet of snow
the previous evening we will just say the
powder was nice:)

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Monday, March 06, 2006

Ohh yeah and this is what your son/brother is learning
after obtaining a masters. . .imperfect balance. . .moron
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Finally - three good ones with more to come!

On a budget this is what we do!
Lindsay's fight on the 'terror war' . . .or the 'terrible fashion war'
Pete can be so introspective on the road. . .or its just a good
photographer catching the perfect angle to make
his face fairly presentable:)

Sorry about the wait but heres the goods. . .more to come. . .
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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Wings of angels adorned with leopard spots

The purple hood protects your tender heart

Cup of life holding the essence of yourself

Gracious and bold, passing us by